Want to rent?
Just follow these simple steps:
Select your start date
Select your anticipated date you will need to get your rental clubs here. Only select the START date and then hit apply.
1Select your clubs
We’ll now take you to our rental shop to select your clubs (have a visual with examples of the clubs). Please note below what you’ll need to do once you select your clubs.
View Rental Clubs2Confirm your rental
Once you select the set you want, change the quantity to match the number of months you want to rent (i.e., 1 for one month, 2 for two months, etc.) and add your selection to the cart. Continue to checkout and you’re all set. We’ll drop the clubs at the course where you are taking lessons or for individual rentals, we will ship them to you directly (shipping fees apply).
Want to Buy? Just click HERE and begin shopping. Be sure to sign up for a membership and receive 15% off your purchases every time you visit the site.